Saturday, 4 October 2014

Adizero Golf Shoe Ban

The Committee has decided to ban these golf shoes from the course between the months of December 1st 2014 to March the 1st 2015. This is because the shoes in my opinion are creating an awful indentation into the putting surfaces which effects the smoothness of the green and ultimately has an effect on your putts.
This is not something I have looked forward to doing, but if you look at some of the evidence I have collected then it should leave you in no doubt that the awful design of the sole should be banned for use on our greens during the wetter winter months.
Notices have gone up in our clubhouse with a couple of pictures of the particular shoe that is going to be banned and the damage they can cause to our greens, most of this damage occurs around the hole when full weight is put onto the leading foot whilst bending down to retrieve your ball from the hole. This doesn't bode well for the group following behind trying to hole out a putt. I know the pictures on the notices are quite small so I will post them up on here so you can hopefully zoom in to see the shoe that is going to be banned. I will also link you to a couple of youtube videos of our own tests that were taken at the beginning of this year.

Adidas Adizero One Tour 2014 Model

Side Profile of  2013 model. Notice how protruding the sole is.

Adizero 6 spike are not banned

Adizero '6 spike' are fine and will not be banned

Damage that these golf shoes can create in wet conditions.

In this video compare the difference in ball roll between the second ball and the third ball. The second ball ran out into an indentation the Adizero had made about 1 minute before.

This second video shows what a mess the shoes make to a soft green.

As you can see by the videos these shoes leave me with no choice other than to ban them during the wettest part of the year. The damage that these shoes create is gathering pace world over. Dont just take my word for it, please have a search on the internet for yourself. There are plenty of discussion posts such as this one 

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask when you see me out on the course or comment on this post.


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