Tuesday 19 March 2013

Work Window Update

I'm disappointed to announce that due to poor weather conditions the sand injection has been suspended for the near future. After the snow, hail and rain that we received today, more snow is predicted tomorrow, and then more rain is predicted on Friday/weekend. This has made it impossible to carry on injecting sand. This is a job that we are desperate to do and will find time throughout the season between competitions etc to do it. With warmer/drier weather the impact to the greens won't be so vast and will recover much quicker.
What do we do now?
All is not lost and we can still work on the greens. Starting from tomorrow (barring any real heavy rain/snow) we will be verti draining the greens again. Along with this will be some heavy top dressing trying our best to force the sand down the vert drain holes to help dilute the thatch and improve the drainage. We will also be concentrating over the next few weeks to roll out the gravel banding lines. As soon as it warms up (not for a few weeks yet apparently!) Greens, and tees will be fertilised, which will then begin to give you your surfaces back.
I want you all to know that the decision to postpone the sand injection hasn't been taken lightly and our agronomist has been consulted. He is of the same opinion as me, and I believe we have come to a sensible compromise given these tough climatic conditions.
Its no surprise that a few hours after I made the decision, I had this email from Mark Hunt (Headland Amenity) http://weather.headlandamenity.com/2013/03/march-19th/ Its pretty heavy reading but for those of you who are interested it goes a long way to explaining my decisions, and he can explain them in a lot more detail than I ever could!

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